Tuesday, February 27, 2007

LANding at Santiago

A long flight into Santiago on LAN – with a brief look at Auckland airport. Truly cattle class. On my left, 3 Chilean women in their mid-forties. Strong faces with traces of Indian ancestry, hearty voices and overflowing luggage (from their overhead lockers, in front of them, beside them). They struck a good rapport with an amused flight crew – hectoring them like errant schoolboys (and girls). On my right - across the aisle – a Deuschlander who was bicycling around the world. It certainly seemed to have given him an appetite – he asked for a second meal and finished both off in minutes. Next to him, a 30-something Argentine woman with a typically handsome South American face, on her way home from HK.

Arturo Benitez is like any other airport. When we flew in, was surprised at the dusty brown bowl in which Santiago sits – somehow expected more greenery. The ride in was also typical. First, there were large industrial blocks and airport ancillary units; then uninspiring residential blocks on the outskirts, with long lines of people waiting for buses in the afternoon sun. Then we reached the seedier part of town – run down auto workshops, bus terminals and the railway station – and finally the glitz of downtown with its manufactured parks and colonial facades. The interesting thing about Santiago is that it was all on a single road, the Alameda (officially Avenue Libertador General Bernardo O’Higgins).

The hostal is in a charming by-lane off the Alameda. The area is quite quaint and has cobbled streets with names like Londres, Nueva York and Paris. It’s called (surprise surprise) the Barrio Paris-Londres. Spanish lesson one – Barrio = suburb. Checked in but didn’t check out the surroundings. Its 6pm here but am totally jetlagged and ready to sleep.

Photo album for this post available at: http://picasaweb.google.com/shivmoulee/Santiago